Over 150 publications can be found on Google Scholar, or on this local archive.
Books and Book-Length Articles
Selected Refereed Publications
Other Scholarly Works
Open-Source Software
Other Scholarly Writings
T Hashimoto✝, DJ Gresham, D Botstein, EM Airoldi. A linear model framework for genome-scale functional analysis based on the gene ontology. Princeton University, 2009.
EM Airoldi. Weak convergence of probability measures, with an application to Girone-Cifarelli (in Italian). Institute for Quantitative Methods, Bocconi University, 1998.
Open-source Software (Google Scholar archive)
SGD, an R package. Implements stochastic approximation methods for parameter estimation.
iGraph 1.0.0, an R package, and Python and C libraries. Implements methods to analyze graphs.
ABQuant, R functions, and Python and C libraries. Implements methods for estimating absolute protein concentrations from Mass Spectrometry data. (Single processor and MPI.)
CPlate, R functions, and Python and C libraries. Implements methods for estimating nucleosomes insertions, deletions, and their primary and alternative positions within a population of cells from paired-end mRNA-sequencing data. (Single processor and MPI.)
MISO, Python and C libraries. Implements methods for estimating expression of alternatively spliced isoforms from paired-end mRNA-sequencing data. (Single processor and MPI.)
TPE, an R package. Implements tree preserving embedding.
networkTomography, an R package. Implements methods for estimating latent time series on a graph, including those published in JASA. Includes 3 data sets of point-to-point time series.
Tetrahedron 3D, a JAVA applet to explore the geometry of 2x2 contingency tables.